SFAA visits schools
SFAA visited schools in Nitra and Bratislava
SFAA visited this autumn high schools and universities in Nitra and Bratislava as a part of our project Young Guns. Specifically, we visited these institutions in person:
– Stredna priemyselna skola strojnicka a elektrotechnicka, Nitra
– Fakutlta biotechnologie a potravinarstva, Slovenska polnohospodarska univerzita, Nitra
– Prirodovedecka fakulta, Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava
– Filozoficka fakulta, Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava
The aim of the visits was twofold. First, we wanted to spread the Fulbright idea about enriching education by studying abroad (in USA via Fulbright scholarships). Second, we also presented best ideas from the Young Guns workshops to students, who would like to start their professional careers after school. These ideas concerned especially practical advice how to look for a job, how to behave at an interview, basic differences between an entrepreneur and an employee…etc.
Finally, we are delighted to say that our school visits turned into success. Students and professors who participated in them praised our effort to come in person and share our Fulbright and professional experience. We got offers for a long term cooperation from several schools that welcome people with practical experience. For a quick overview, please see our photo gallery.