Debate with Iveta Radicova
We are happy to announce that the SFAA was able to coorganize (with COP – Centrum pre otvorenu politiku) Vecer Michala Vasecku with Iveta Radicova. Michal and Iveta are both Fulbright Alumni and debated about Iveta Radicova’s previous career as a sociologist, adviser to ministers, Minister and finally Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic. Mrs. Radicova was able to catch the attention of the audience by her charm and interesting talk. At the same time, Michal as an experienced sociologist and debater, helped us in audience to learn a few untold stories from the only female Prime Minister in the history of the Slovak Republic. Below are a few photos (courtesy COP) from the evening of October 26, 2017. We look forward to other interesting debates organized by the SFAA.